Monday 20 September 2010

new visual music sketch

heres another clip from Paul Ross called New Visual Music Sketch. The think I dont like about this one is that it's too flashy for me. But I do really like Paul Ross's work.

The colours in this clip are really beautiful and gorgeous. He's done that effect when the effects move with the music.

The music for this clip is really jazzy and dancey aswell which im not really a fan of but it goes really well with the effects.

heres the link; 

the golden mean part 2

The golden mean part 2 is a beautiful and interesting clip, it is much better than part 1. I love the music that Paul Ross as put for the effects to go with it. It's just so peaceful and calm.


the golden mean part 1

Heres another one of Paul Ross's video's, the golden mean part 1 is a good clip but i would say the piperazine. It has dull colours and isnt really that intresting than the piperazine clip. The music was good and it goes with the speed of the effects.



The piperazine clip is my mega favourite because i love the colours as i like really bright colours. i'ts just gorgeous and wonderful and i like the way paul ross has made the graphics go with the music.

The music on this clip is more like dance and jazzy and it really suits the effect.This is more like my style i think

heres the link if you want to check it out;

circle of greed!

The circle of greed is a plain clip, the effects are good though, but the clip just does the same over and over again.

I really like the music in this clip because it suits the clip so well. The buildings are done really good in the clip and its looks like they use the program 3D max to build them

heres the link; 

paramore video!

This is my favourite paramore music video because of the effects and the colours as in the yellows and oranges. The music suits with the video because it's like a fairytale clip.

The person that made the video for them must of took ages to make it because its brilliant and gorgeous.


particle monster

I love the effects in this clip, the colours in the clip are gorgeous with the pinks, purples and blues.The music is so smoothing and calming, i would say this is my favourite clip ive watched so far.

Shawn Mcmillion has really put his work into this one and its brilliant.

heres the link if you want to check it out;


I didnt really like that crystal castles video because its was too flashy and it could of gave someone a fit or something, but i liked the colours.

The music really suited the video though and it must of took ages to make the clip.i would recommed that if you have epilepsy dont watch this clip.



The clip i just watched there was called rADo which is weird but for some strange reason i really like it, the music suits the clip really well. It's in black and white which i dont really like because i like my colours specially neon colours.



This video is a beautiful piece of work in the animation, the start of the clip is more like its ment to be hypnotize you but the music is so calm and really suits the clip. The colours they had chosen is gorgeous and suit together.

In the middle of the clip it changes completely, I dont really like the colours to be honest but they really suit together aswell.

I think the end of the clip to most because of the colours of the jellyfish into the blue background and its just gorgeous.

heres the link if you want to check it out :

Another entry guys!

Some of the clips ive watched today were weird, like the clip with the baby with a moustache but it's really impressive how they make the clips.
Just watched a clip there called field, it was a beautiful clip especailly with the colours of blues and then they put the colour pink in it to break the colours up. best clip ive watched all day.
heres the link for the clip;

hiya guys!

Another cool and amazing clip ive just watched, it's called Self Burning. It's about a man that rips magazine pages of the wall and falls down on the wall and it turns into a magazine guy. It's very intresting and my kinda style of a clip.
